Can Gorillas Swim? Exploring Their Aquatic Abilities
Can gorillas swim? Gorilla’s body is very heavy and muscular due to which they are not able to swim in water. Swimming is a long way off, gorillas can’t even move in the water. Gorilla’s arms and legs are very small in size which does not help them in swimming.

The gorilla likes to live on the ground where it has different companions and eats a variety of food to make up for its lack of water.
A gorilla can dip its toes in water but is too afraid to go into deep water. The best thing to differentiate between humans and gorillas is swimming even though we both are closely related.
Can Gorillas Swim Well?
Can gorillas swim well?? A common question asked by many people is whether gorillas swim well. Whenever you visit any zoo in the world, one thing you will see is that water is used as a barrier or ring-fence for gorillas.
The main reason for these barriers is that gorillas do not know how to swim and even they do not like to swim, and this is what makes them different from humans.
Just as humans visit different swimming pools to enjoy water and prefer swimming, gorillas prefer to stay away from water and avoid swimming. However, some animals are often seen playing with water in the wild and in zoos that have just become young or mature.
Also, sometimes the gorilla is forced to wade through the swamps in search of food and the water reaches up to his waist.
For more insights into gorilla behavior, including their sleeping patterns, check out my article on How Do Gorillas Sleep.
Do Gorillas Ever Go In The Water?
Above I told you in detail why gorillas can’t swim, but I didn’t mean that gorillas can’t go into the water.
The western lowland gorilla is a gorilla that lives in forests where there are only swamps where it is difficult for gorillas to avoid getting wet.
Young gorillas also enjoy splashing around in shallow water. This situation usually occurs during the dry season when there is no danger of the infant being washed.
If ever a gorilla is faced with a situation where he has to cross the water, he uses his two legs.
And among these gorillas, some geniuses use a stick while going into the water to gauge the depth of the water.
Are gorillas afraid of water?
A gorilla’s nature is such that he does not have much attachment to water from birth, which is why he feels scared or uncomfortable around water.
Although some gorillas may be curious about going into water, some gorillas prefer to stay away from water.
The main reason why gorillas don’t go in water is that sometimes the water can be too deep and animals in it can harm the gorilla.
It is not surprising if gorillas play in the water in a zoo because there is water in front of a gorilla all the time and he can see it all the time so he can think of it as safe for him.
Although not all gorilla species fear water, many gorillas like to play safely in the water and then come out of the water to splash themselves on dry land.
Do Gorillas Drink Water?
After studying this for a long time I came across that many years ago a gorilla was seen drinking from a stream.
Even if the gorilla does not drink water for a long time, there is no danger because the gorilla gets its hydration from whatever it eats, such as plants.
But it does not mean that they do not drink water, they drink water when it is available to them. While it is difficult to estimate how much water a gorilla can drink, we can only know if we know their diet and environmental situations.
Gorillas’ Aquatic Skills:
A gorilla knows all the basics of swimming, but that doesn’t mean a gorilla is an expert swimmer. Gorillas have many physical features such as spacious lungs that help them swim short distances.
Gorillas prefer to rest in shallow areas rather than deep water.
Why Gorillas Do Not Swim? (Reasons)
Physiological Limitations: The gorilla wants to stick its head out of the water to avoid drowning but due to its heavy body and muscular, it cannot do so and can be drowned.
Lack of Swimming Adaptations: Aquatic animals have very smooth bodies and webbed feet that allow them to swim easily, but the gorilla lacks these features, which is why gorillas avoid water.
Short Limbs and Heavy Bones: Aquatic animals have long limbs and light bones that help them float, but gorillas have short limbs and heavy bones so that’s why they don’t swim
Fear of Water: Gorillas do not like any kind of water, whether it is a river or a lake. They prefer to stay away from water because they cannot swim in water
Waterless Hydration: Gorillas meet their water needs from the food they eat, so they don’t need to go to the water or drink water.
Lack of Swimming Skills: The main reason why gorillas don’t swim is because when they are born, they don’t know how to swim because they are born to live in the forest, not in water.
How long can gorillas swim?
There is no doubt that the gorilla is not an expert swimmer, and when forced to do so, he goes into deep water.
A gorilla’s body structure is built in a way that prevents it from swimming in water. In addition, gorillas lack many special adaptations found in other animals that help them swim.
However, sometimes it is seen that when a gorilla has to cross a river, he may have to step into the water. But they were not created as an aquatic animal.
So, if a gorilla goes into the water, it only has a few minutes to swim and then it comes back to dry land.
Can Gorillas Learn to Swim?
See, if gorillas are taught to swim, they may be able to swim in water, but nothing can be said about whether they can learn to swim or not.
Nature’s system is such that every living thing likes water, so even a gorilla can like water and learn to swim. If gorillas see their companions swimming or playing in the water, they may copy them.
A zoo is a place where you will often see that gorillas can be around water and can make themselves expert at swimming if they want to.
But as yet nothing can be said about how a human learns to swim in water and then swims in water, whether a gorilla will be able to swim after learning to swim in water. This is a question that scientists are still pondering.
Can gorillas be taught to swim?
Teaching a gorilla to swim can be one of the most difficult tasks in the world because, just as other aquatic animals are endowed with a variety of traits, the gorilla does not have those traits.
The main reason why a gorilla cannot swim in water is because its body is not very smooth.
If you introduce water to a gorilla, it can increase fear and stress in the gorilla. Therefore, if you want to teach a gorilla to swim, it is important to know the gorilla’s feelings and make arrangements for its safety.
However, it’s worth noting that gorillas are quite intelligent and capable of learning various skills, which makes the idea of teaching them to swim an intriguing possibility.
Can Gorillas Swim Underwater?
Swimming underwater is far away, a gorilla does not even like to swim on the surface of the water. The main reason for this is that gorillas are not designed to swim in water.
Gorillas can swim in deep water when they have to cross streams to the other side. If you ever happen to venture into the jungle, one thing you will see is that a gorilla will never dive or swim in water.
Can silverback gorillas swim?
Many species of gorillas can swim in water, one of which is the silverback gorilla. But this species of gorilla is generally afraid of going into deep water.
This gorilla breed has a large body and lack of temperament which makes them difficult to swim. However, if forced, this species of gorilla can swim short distances in water and often prefers to wade rather than swim.
Can mountain gorillas swim?
Although the mountain gorilla, like other gorilla species, can swim in water, it generally avoids doing so. They have a large body and generally prefer to live on land, which is why they are not fond of swimming.
When they see water, they walk on it with the help of arms instead of swimming in it.
Can monkeys swim?
Although some species of monkeys can swim, nature has not endowed all species of monkeys with the ability to swim in water. There are factors such as habitat and evolutionary history that affect a monkey’s swimming skills.
Some monkey species that know how to swim in water include proboscis monkeys and macaque monkeys. Apart from these species, other monkeys avoid water due to fear or habitat preferences.
Can Apes Swim?
Some apes such as bonobos and orangutans are naturally capable of swimming. While other species of apes such as chimpanzees and gorillas generally avoid going into deep water.
The swimming ability of these two monkeys can vary depending on the species and habitat. The main reasons that prevent both of them from swimming in the water are body size, anatomy, and environmental conditions.
Can Chimps Swim?
Chimpanzee (like gorillas) knows the basics of swimming but generally, they don’t like swimming in deep water very much.
If they feel the need to cross the water for a short distance, they cross the streams or rivers by walking and swimming in the water.
It is not a preferred activity for gorillas in the way that other primates consider swimming to be an activity.
Can Gorillas climb trees?
You have often seen gorillas walking on the ground, but you will be surprised to know that gorillas can also climb trees and are known to be expert climbers. Especially gorillas living in the forests of Africa are often seen on trees.
Gorillas like to eat leaves and fruits, so when they see fruits on a tree, they can climb them, and they also climb trees to avoid predators.
Gorilla’s arms are very strong and their wrists are very flexible, due to which they can easily climb trees.
Can orangutans swim?
Orangutans are generally not considered good swimmers and are less adapted to water than other apes. Although they can pass through shallow water. They generally avoid going into water that is too deep to see.
In conclusion, the question “Can gorillas swim?” reveals an aspect of gorilla behavior and physiology. Gorillas have a close evolutionary relationship to humans and other great apes, but the gorilla is not a natural swimmer.
A gorilla’s body is very heavy and muscular, and because of its small limbs, it cannot swim in water, although it can wade into or play in shallow water.
A gorilla has many skills but cannot swim. If you try to understand the gorilla’s adaptations and limitations, you will be able to understand its ecological niche.
Can an orangutan swim?
Yes, the orangutan is a species that can go into the water to clean itself because the orangutan is a very slow species and instead of keeping itself on land they prefers to live in water to avoid predators.
Who was the most intelligent ape?
Studies have shown that orangutans and chimpanzees are in sharp competition, but orangutans outperform champions in intelligence. But these two species are capable enough to equip their children with knowledge.
Can giraffes swim?
Although we have never seen a giraffe swim, mathematics claims that giraffes can swim. While most animals are said to be very good at swimming, the giraffe is also often known to be unable to swim and wave.