How long do goats live? How To Extend The Life Of Your Goat?

People who keep goats in their homes love them so much that they want to know, “How long do goats live?” Here I would like to tell you that the lifespan of a goat is around 10 to 12 years, but some breeds of goats can live up to 30 years.

A dairy goat or a fiber goat can produce enough milk or fiber at the age of seven years. A goat must always have at least one companion as it is a social animal, and the companion can be any animal.

How long do goats live

If you keep any animal in the house, including a goat, you should not keep it alone. Of course, if you want to see your goat live for a long time, you need to take care of it properly and give it a healthy life.

Not only can you keep your goat healthy by feeding it a quality diet, such as forage, fresh water, and fruits like grapes, mangoes, and apples, but it is also important to use the right amount of feed. Goats are known to be ruminants and require forage daily. This forage can be in different forms such as leaves, tender branches, wild plants, etc.

Now a question will arise in your mind: How long goats live depends on various factors mentioned below.

Creating the Right Environment:

Special attention should be paid to the habitat of the goats. Goats do not tolerate wet weather, and they do not tolerate other cattle or sheep if they are with them. Well, for all animals, there should be a separate shelter, but for goats, it is a very important thing.

Shelter is an important factor in giving goats a long life. Here it is important to keep in mind that goats are herd animals. If a goat is completely alone, it can spend a lot of time searching for a herd.

If you are interested in keeping goats at home, you should keep at least three goats and take care of them regularly.

Maintaining the Health and Strength of the Goats:

If you take care of your goat daily, your goat will have a healthy life, and it will also have a long life. Take care of your goat’s hoofs and keep them trimmed from time to time so that the goat does not develop any problems with walking or does not create any inflammation.

How long do goats live

Apart from this, when it comes to health care, goat vaccination or health check-ups should be done almost daily. You may also like Can Goats Eat Cucumbers?

The Significance of an Effective Breeding Plan:

The age of goats can also be determined by breeding stock. It doesn’t matter which breed of goat you choose; keeping a healthy doe and a healthy buck can be a great start. Breeding an animal that appears very healthy and strong produces healthy kids.

An animal that suffers from health problems and looks weak, you cannot expect healthy kids from it. As a result, the children they produce are likely to have shorter lifespans.

When a new goat is introduced to your property, quarantine it for at least 30 days. Although this is a much-overlooked practice, it is very effective for child longevity.

If your baby goat looks perfectly healthy, still isolate it for a few days because sometimes even a perfectly healthy baby can cause various diseases in the herd.

Using Teeth to Determine Goat Age:

Using Teeth to Determine Goat Age

Checking the goat’s teeth is another great way to determine the goat’s age. If you’ve ever owned a goat, you’re well aware that goats only have bottom front teeth.

Goats do not have upper front teeth. When a goat matures, the number of lower front teeth is eight. A five-year-old goat has six permanent front lower teeth.

When a goat is over four years of age, it must have eight permanent teeth. You can determine the age of your goats and kids by examining their teeth.

Goat Age Can Be Inferred from Animal Conditioning Scores:

You can also estimate how long your animal will live by looking at its body condition. Animals that are young adults are more muscular and rounder at the hips and neck.

If there are many healthy animals in a herd, and also an old animal is present in the herd, it will lower the score of the herd, and the old animal will not be able to digest its food properly.

Age Span by Breed:

Age Span by Breed Of Goats

What else determines how long goats live?

The most important thing that can determine the age of your goat is its diet which includes forage, fresh water, and many fruits like strawberries and also vegetables like cabbage and carrots. Many people say that goats can eat anything, but the reality is that goats have a very weak digestive system that can be easily affected.

Due to this, goats can get various diseases like bloat, enterotoxemia, or goat polio. These are diseases that are enough to kill a goat in a few hours. So, if you want your goat to live longer, pay special attention to its diet.

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How long do female goats live?

You won’t believe that a female goat can live longer than a buck. Many people are under the misconception that female goats cannot live long because they give birth to kids twice a year, but this is not the case at all. I have been told by many people that their female goats live 12 to 14 years.

How long can does be used for breeding?

Once a doe reaches 10 years of age, it should not be bred after that as it becomes a very difficult task to restore its body condition.

In addition, it is often observed that a doe begins to reduce milk production after about seven or eight years of age, due to which it becomes difficult for them to breastfeed their children in large quantities.

Some people continue to give birth to goats till the age of 12 to 13 years because they aim to accumulate income through goat breeding.

If you are curious about the early signs and process of determining pregnancy in your does, check out How To Tell If A Goat Is Pregnant?

How long do Nigerian dwarf goats live?

Nigerian dwarf goats are a very popular breed of goats and they usually live for 8 to 12 years. They can live up to 15 years if properly cared for.

How long do Nigerian dwarf goats live

Along with their small size, they are known for their gentle temperament and high milk production. This is why many people keep Nigerian dwarf goats as pets and get milk from them.

How long can Does produce milk?

Meat and fiber goats produce only enough milk to feed their young for the next few months. However, dairy does are capable of producing milk for 2 to 3 years in their prime. As they get older, their milk supply will decrease day by day.

How long do Bucks live?

Male goats, often called bucks, have a very short lifespan because the breeding season is a very harsh one. Most bucks live only 8 or 10 years.

How long can bucks be used for breeding?

Generally speaking, bucks can mate with two or three does each day until they are around 6 or 7 years old, after which their fertility starts to decline day by day.

At first, you’ll see they can’t get as many does pregnant in one day, even though it looks like they’re mating successfully. Later on, they won’t get any does pregnant.

How long do Pygmy goats live?

Pygmy goats are another popular type of goat and live for 10 to 15 years. And if they are properly cared for and their needs are met, they can live up to 18 years.

How long do Pygmy goats live

This goat breed is very popular due to its hardiness, adaptability, and friendly behavior, which is why people keep it as a pet in their homes. Proper nutrition, healthcare, and a suitable environment contribute to their longevity.

How long do wethers live?

Wethers are male animals that have been castrated. They usually live the longest because their bodies are under less stress. Wethers can often live into their mid-teens or even longer.

How Long Do Does Live?

Female goats, often called does, typically live 10 to 12 years but can live up to 15 years or more if properly cared for. Factors such as genetics, nutrition, and healthcare impact their lifespan.


There are many factors to consider when determining the lifespan of goats. The lifespan of goats depends on the care and management they receive.

How long do goats live

If goat owners and farmers want to extend the life of their goats, they must provide adequate nutrition and care for their goats, as well as provide them with a comfortable environment.


How Long Do Goats Live In The Wild?

The lifespan of a wild goat is about 9 to 12 years.

What is the natural lifespan of a goat?

Generally, if a female goat is healthy, she can live up to 11 to 12 years of age. If a goat keeps having babies after it’s 10 years old, it’s more likely to die while pregnant.

What is the highest age of a goat?

The longest-lived award goes to a goat named McGinty, who lived on Hayling Island in the UK and was said to be around 22 years and 5 months old when he died.

How Long Do Goats Live In Captivity?

The normal lifespan of a goat is about 8 to 12 years, but if kept in captivity, it can live up to 22 years.

How Long Do Goats Stay Pregnant?

A goat’s gestation period is about 145 to 155 days.

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