What Smells Do Rats Hate The Most? 24 Smells Rats Hate Most.

If you often see rats roaming around your house, then a question will come to your mind: Is there any way we can get rid of the rats from our house or is there any odor that rats dislike?

If so, what smells do rats hate? Rats dislike the smell of many things, which are listed below:


Mothballs are a solid substance made of naphthalene. If you use this substance in large quantities, it can have a very significant effect. When you use naphthalene in your home, its smell lingers for a long time, but it should not be used in homes with children or pets.

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Cayenne Pepper

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Rats strongly dislike the taste and smell of cayenne pepper and are irritated by it. Rats generally avoid anything spicy that contains capsaicin. If you use chili powder, rats will avoid it because it can cause breathing problems or cause irritation if they ingest it.

Black Pepper

Black pepper is a weapon that directly targets and irritates the rat’s nose. Also, if you use black pepper in large quantities, you can repel rats from your home. Rats will never like to live in a place where they are exposed to unpleasant odors because it reduces their ability to smell.

What Smells Do Rats Hate


What Smells Do Rats Hate

White vinegar has a very strong odor that can be very irritating to rats. The best way to use white vinegar is to apply white vinegar to a cotton ball and place it on the areas where the rat enters your home.

Place this cotton in the narrow places in your house, but after some time when the effect of this white vinegar is over, you will have to apply vinegar again with the cotton.


Ammonia can also be a good option to repel rats, but you should only use ammonia when all other options have failed because it has a very strong chemical smell and its pungent smell is enough to repel rats.

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Balsam oil

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Rats often get into narrow spaces such as RVs or cars. Balsam oil is a registered rodent repellent and it can be used to repel rats from narrow spaces.

Chilli powder

If you know where the rats have made their burrows and tunnels in your house, you can eliminate them by using ground spicy chili pepper. Sprinkle the pepper in burrows and tunnels where you suspect rats may be present.

What Smells Do Rats Hate


What Smells Do Rats Hate

If a rat sniffs bleach, it causes severe irritation to its eyes and nose. This is the reason why most rats avoid going to a place where bleach is present. A solution of bleach and water can be used in a small runway to repel rats. But you should use bleach wisely and take proper precautions.


If you want to keep your garden free from rodents, you should plant the following plants in your garden like marigolds, Rosemary, Peppermint, Lavender, Onion, Grapes hyacinth, Garlic, Daffodils, oregano, Sage, cayenne, Black Peppers, Tomatoes, etc.

The smell of all these vegetables deters rats from entering the garden.


First of all, boil the water and make tea as you usually do, then put the leaf that sits down in small bags and place it in the corners of your house where you often see rats.

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Raw Onions

What Smells Do Rats Hate

The smell of raw onion and the juice present in it is very irritating for rats. Its smell affects the ability of the rats to smell and is also very harmful to their eyes. Propyl sulfoxide found in onions is released when the onion opens.

Mint toothpaste

Take a small amount of toothpaste and then rub it near the doors of your house and in various crevices and also where there are rodent holes.

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Cat Fur

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Rats are very frightened by the sight of cat hair, so if you have a pet cat in your home when its hair falls out, throw the hair in and out of your home to avoid rats. You can also keep rats away from your home by placing cat urine around the entry point.

Raccoon urine

The raccoon is a ferocious predator of rodents, and rats hate the smell of raccoon urine. If the rat detects that there is a raccoon around it, so he restricts its movement a lot.

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Natural smells to deter rats:

Peppermint oil

What Smells Do Rats Hate

You may like the smell of peppermint oil, but it’s unpleasant for rats. The more peppermint oil, the more irritation the rat’s nose will feel.

You can put peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place it in different corners of the house and keep the rats away from your house.

Clove Oil

The smell of clove oil is very strong which rats dislike very much. The same way to use it is to apply it with cotton and put it in the corners of your house and the rat will stay away from your house. Also, clove oil is a chemical-free solution.

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Eucalyptus Oil

What Smells Do Rats Hate

If you have both male and female rats in your house, this eucalyptus oil is enough to repel them. Put eucalyptus oil on cotton balls and place them in the areas of the house where you find rats infested.

Bay Leaves

If you have cupboards in your house and rats are often there, you can use bay leaves to repel rats as their smell will penetrate the rat’s noses and make them run away.

What Smells Do Rats Hate


What Smells Do Rats Hate

When it comes to herbal rat repellants, sage is a perennial herb that rats strongly dislike. Rats do not like the smell of both green and white sage. If you apply crushed sage leaves or sage oil in different cracks of the house, the rat will avoid entering there.

Lavender Oils

Lavender is among the things that have an oily smell that rats strongly dislike and can be used to repel rats from your home. If you want to keep rats from nesting or visiting your home, you can use lavender oil.

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Citrus Oil

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Rats dislike any strong smell or taste, for example, the smell of citrus. Rats will avoid going to the place where the citrus smell is present in your house. There are different rat repellants, but the smell of citrus is different from the other rat repellants. This is a natural rat repellent.


Citronella is often used to keep mosquitoes or other pests away from your home, but you can also use it to repel rats. If you want to keep rats out of your home, burning citronella candles isn’t enough, you have to use citronella spray or oil.

What Smells Do Rats Hate

Cedarwood oil

What Smells Do Rats Hate

It is a substance that is highly toxic to rats and its woody odor is repulsive to rodents.

Why Rats Are in My Home.

Rats may visit your home for a variety of reasons, such as looking for food, water, or shelter. Permanently seal off the entry points for rats into your home.

Also, if you have rodents’ favorite food in your home, remove that food and consider professional pest control.

Additional tactics that homeowners can try to help keep rats away may include:

  1. Repellents
  2. Bright lights
  3. Loud sounds

Additionally, homeowners can employ various natural smells and substances to repel rats effectively.

If you’re curious about what foods rats can safely consume, like cheese, you can explore more about their dietary habits and preferences.

Signs your house is infested by rats.

If any of the following signs are present in your home, it indicates that you have rats in your home.

  1. If you see mouse droppings in cupboards, food storage areas, or behind furniture, you should be sure that you have rats in your home.
  2. If the wooden furniture in your home, food packaging, or books has been chewed, this is also an indication that rats are present in your home.
  3. If your house is often quiet and you hear scampering and rustling sounds, then these are also signs of the presence of rats in your house.
  4. If you have a “mousy odor” in your house, you should be sure of the presence of rats because the smell is caused by the droppings of rats.

Other Ways to Keep Rats Away.

You can keep rats out of your home by following these simple steps:

Keep Clean and Tidy.

If your house is dirty or untidy, it can become a perfect habitat for rats, so you should never leave food near your house and always keep the place clean.

If you’ve already had rats and are dealing with unpleasant odors, you can learn How To Get Rid Of Rat Urine Smell effectively by following this guide.

If there is any favorite food of rat (like carrots, rice, oats, apples, fish, chicken, or chocolate) in your house, it will smell it very quickly and enter your house, so you should always keep your house clean so that the rat does not smell any such smell be the one who forces him to enter your house.

Regular Home Repair and Maintenance.

If you regularly repair and maintain your home, rats will never enter your home. Rats often enter your home through gaps in the walls or floors, so you should completely seal off their entrances.

Also, if there is a water leak in your home, get it repaired as soon as possible. But if you already have rats in your home, you can get rid of them by using different traps or contacting pest control.

Are Homemade Repellents Effective?

It is often claimed that homemade repellents are sufficient to repel rats, but this is false.

When you use the same repellent every time, the rats will get used to it and then it will not be affected by the repellent and they will continue their activities.

So, if you are interested in getting rid of rats from your home, you should consider any of the options mentioned above.

Best Natural Rodent Deterrent.

If you want to keep rats out of your home and want to save money also, you should completely block off their entry route and clean the area where they hide.

Put food items away from your home. When you do all these things, rats will have no reason to enter your home.

Do Pest Repellents Work?

Pest control can be a great option if you want to keep rats and mice out of your home, but it’s only a short-term solution. Rats get attached very quickly to humans.

Do Pest Repellents Work

Pest control uses different repellants and ultrasonic noises after a while rats feel comfortable with them.

Never use only one repellent to repel rats, but change the repellent over time and shake it well each time you start using the repellent.

What sounds do rats hate?

  1. Chainsaw
  2. Lawnmower
  3. Vacuum
  4. Weed trimmer
  5. Car engine
  6. Ultrasonic devices
  7. Your pet

Sound to make if you come face to face with a rat.

  1. Clap your hands
  2. Stomp your feet
  3. Scream at them

Conclusion About “What Smells Do Rats Hate”.

In conclusion, if rats are frequent in your home and they are causing you trouble, and you have tried all other methods but the rats are not leaving your home, then this must come to your mind what smells do rats hate?

The answer to this question has been given in detail above. You can easily get rid of rats from your home by following any one method.

FAQs Related To “What Smells Do Rats Hate”.

What scent will keep rats away?

Some plants that have a very strong smell of oil that rats dislike include peppermint, rosemary, citronella, sage, lavender, etc.

What keeps rats away permanently?

Always keep the yard of your house clean, in addition to this, if the vegetation outside your house is overgrown, cut it because rats can hide inside it or use it to enter your house. Keep the bushes trimmed from time to time.

What smell is poisonous to rats?

Ammonia is a great option if you want to get rats out of your home quickly, as its smell alone is enough to repel rats.

What scares rats the most?

Rats can’t tolerate the smell of ammonia, mothballs, peppermint oil, crushed cayenne pepper, and pepper spray because it can affect their sense of smell.

What kills rats quickly?

If you want to get rid of rats in a modern way, an electronic rat trap is a great option. This electronic trap attracts rats with food and then kills them with an electric shock.

What is the best homemade rat repellent?

Peppermint oil, powder, or fresh leaves can be a great homemade rat repellent.

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